In Conversation with Jennifer Perry

Nuru Kimondo

Tell us about your background: 

I've been a model in New York City for over 20 years, so naturally taking care of my body is something that goes with the territory. However, it wasn't until I experienced an episode of Guillain Barre Syndrome that I realized the importance of integrating the mind into that care. Thankfully, that realization helped me thrive after my diagnosis and propelled me towards an exciting future.

Thirsty for more information, I immediately signed up for wellness classes at NYU and also became a certified yoga instructor. As my knowledge grew, so did my desire to help others with my new skills. I became a Reiki master and started incorporating essential oils into my practice. The benefits to my clients only piqued my curiosity more, and I enrolled in The New York Institute of Aromatic Studies. Little did I know that studying aromatherapy would bring together the two worlds I loved. The world of beauty and the world of wellness.

Starting my company, Breathe In Beauty, has been challenging but also feels like what I'm meant to be doing. Launching a new business has its share of challenges, but creating products that make the skin beautiful while nurturing the soul makes my heart full.

What do you wish you’d known when you started out?

When I started this business, I wish I had known that two months later a pandemic would hit the world. It would have been nice to get a heads up on that!

But seriously, I think that one of the most important things I've learned in starting this business or anything that requires energy is that "Mood Follows Action." I've discovered that I cannot wait until I'm "in the mood" to do the work. I have to start the work, and THEN I feel the momentum building and the inspiration taking place.

Starting a business takes resilience, and I think the world of modeling has prepared me well for enduring the challenges and celebrating the successes that come with it.

Best career advice you've ever received?

The best career advice I've ever received is to show up as who you are. I believe that this applies in any field, and it's actually not an easy thing to do. It takes a huge amount of confidence to show up as yourself and be the real, authentic version of yourself.

What leadership qualities are important to you?

The leadership qualities that I believe are the most important are being a good listener, accepting other people's input, and recognizing that there are limitations to your knowledge and skills. It is important to trust in the expertise of others while you focus on doing the parts of the business that you're the best at doing.

What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far? 

My biggest career challenge has been to maintain the integrity in my vision for my business and not compromise quality for quantity in the products that I produce. It is one of the values that I promised myself I'd stick with when I started this company. These values explicitly help with my decisions and clarify my convictions. I really believe that they are the reason that I can create a product that I am truly proud of and excited to share with the world.

And for fun, what is your favorite wardrobe staple?

Oh, so many to choose from. I love simplicity and again quality over quantity, so I'm going to go with a classic white T-shirt. It's a blank canvas, it's comfortable, and it supports my lifestyle of simplicity.


Instagram: @breatheinaromatherapy


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